Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Former Inmate Now Helps Others

Time Management – Getting It All Done

Monday, March 28, 2011
Making good on your promises...honoring commitments says a lot about your character

Center for Business Excellence
Delivering on promises made is important to me. If I find out something isn’t possible in the manner which I thought, I try to find a solution. When all else fails, I communicate what’s happening to the people involved so they don’t feel like they are in the dark.
So, when I found myself forgetting to be somewhere this week to show support, despite writing it down and having my Smartphone tell me (along with three other meeting reminders chiming simultaneously), I felt pretty terrible.
I owned up to what had happened (luckily, everything turned out just fine) and life will go on. That’s what you should do.
However, many folks make commitments to return phone calls, attend a party where the host has shelled out money for their food and beverage, etc., and just decide, “Oh, well…no biggie.” The next time they run into the person they made some type of a commitment to, they act like nothing ever happened. Not cool.
Here’s an article I found on the subject of honoring commitments. Hope you find it enlightening:
Friday, March 25, 2011
Use Extra Five Minutes Many Ways

Do you wish you could keep in touch with someone you’ve been thinking about? Use those five minutes for a quick telephone call.
Have you been waiting to talk to an employee or a boss about a new project? Use those five minutes.
Whether it’s to a fellow employee, or a family member, a quick chat to catch up makes everyone feel better. And it only takes five minutes. The time spent is even better if you can grab a quick cup of coffee to drink while you’re chatting.
Kevin Eikenberry, author of “Remarkable Leadership,” a blogger and workshop speaker, has many ideas on how to make use of those little extra five minute blocks of time in the article below.
Even a quick walk around the parking lot will refresh you. Use those five minutes.
Read this article for more ideas.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's Not Your Fault
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Make Overqualified an Advantage

So when employers are looking for someone with the skills they need, they should look at the best candidate for the job, not his age.
Experienced candidates often hear they are overqualified. But you can control your message in a job interview and prove your value to the company.
Some tips for older job seekers include keeping current on computer skills, only listing the last 10 years on a job history, and preparing a functional rather than a chronological resume. Such a resume points out the candidate’s knowledge, skills and work experience, rather than the years spent in various jobs.
And some studies have found that productivity is purely based on the individual, not his age.
People are choosing to work longer because of improvements in health care. They want to stay active. They aren’t ready for the golf course – or the rocking chair.
Older workers also are a good investment are because they still are eager to learn new skills when training is offered, have special expertise and most of all, a good work ethic.
Read more about how older applicants can take control of their job search.
Facebook Security Alert!

Training Coordinator for
Training Initiatives, Inc.
Facebook is a wonderful tool. Having said that let me also say that like a great many tools in this world, if used improperly or carelessly, it can be dangerous.
Please, click here to read an article outlining some of the most recent dangers associated with Facebook.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The power of nice

Center for Business Excellence
A few years ago, one of the CBE directors came across a book entitled, “The Power of Nice ... How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness.” The title alone intrigued me.
Sometimes, I take out the CD version and take a listen to remind myself to “take it down a notch or two.” Maybe, the paint guy at the home improvement store really didn’t mean to come off snarky Saturday, right?
Whether you fully buy into the concept or not, there are truly some interesting stories that make you think.
My Uncle Luke (really more a big brother than an uncle) recently shared with me something my late father often told him in all sincerity. Dad said, "You have to be nice to everyone you meet - even if it is not returned - because you never know what people are going through on the inside.” Now, I think that’s powerful stuff.
That said; check out this YouTube video link of the book’s two authors, Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, discussing the concept of the book. The book and CD are available online. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yOkqXBZT1w
Friday, March 18, 2011
Money Can't Buy Happiness

In these tough economic times, employers are pinching every penny, yet they want to boost morale among their troops.
Taking an interest in your employees also means investing in their future. That's why training and development opportunities are energizing perks.
Last year, more than 100 employees at Playtex Manufacturing in Ormond Beach received training to improve their skill levels in computers, on-the-job training, safety awareness, problem solving, time management, interpersonal dynamics and environmental awareness compliance. And at the ropes course at Camp Winona, they learned team building, shown in the photo.
Everyone likes money but Bob Nelson, author of “1001 Ways to Reward Employees,” discovered that most employees crave communication, involvement and autonomy. While a hearty pat on the back always feels good, extra attention and sense of ownership feel even better.
Read more about how to boost morale without spending a lot of money.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring into Something Different
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Don't Set Off Red Flags During an Interview

But more importantly, these same tips can be used by jobseekers as they continue their search in today’s job market.
The basics include making a good first impression. Sometimes that’s all a human resource person has to go on initially. This includes good eye contact, a firm handshake, and an overall good presentation.
Other ways to impress an employer are having a good attitude and being sincere. And you may have a great resume and cover letter but you will need detailed answers to back it up.
Treat everyone with respect. The secretary who ushers you into an interview may be asked later for her opinion of you.
And have confidence in yourself and the work you’ve done in the past. You are your own greatest cheerleader.
Here are more red flags that employers look for during an interview.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How About Doing An Employability Checkup

Click on the link below to go to Career One Stops web site and perform an employability checkup on yourself.
The following paragraph is an excerpt from the site, explaining what an employability checkup is.
The employability checkup provides a snapshot of your ability to find employment with a specific occupation at a specific wage and location. In the following pages, select an occupation and industry, a state and locality, an education level, and a wage level. This information will be used to create your employability profile. Enter your selection on each screen and select "Next."
Employability Checkup
Monday, March 14, 2011
In her shoes…success lives on through a loving gesture

Center for Business Excellence
As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, community involvement is extremely important to me. My philosophy is simple. How can we expect to sustain and improve our world if we aren’t personally willing to help make it a better place?
In honoring my commitment, I shared a recent experience with a couple of my Junior League friends. We were at the Junior League’s new Thrift Store location (1757 N. Nova Road, Holly Hill) assisting a CBE customer in choosing a base wardrobe of career clothing for a new job.
In the midst of this exciting and emotional time, a gentleman came to the Junior League Thrift Store with a carload of clothing to donate. My friends quickly assisted him, carrying in shoebox after shoebox and bag after bag of professional women’s attire.
As it turned out, these items were his wife’s, who recently passed away. His wife wanted someone else to benefit from her beautiful career clothing and get a leg up in life literally in her shoes.
The gentleman was obviously choked up. We thanked him and he drove away. As we began to sort through the shoes and clothing, we each started to notice how meticulous every item was handled.
Each pair of shoes was rewrapped in tissue and cardboard as if they had never been worn. Each shirt was expertly folded better than any Gap tee shirt. It was as if this gentleman wanted to show one last loving gesture towards his beloved wife – treating her belongings like the treasure she must have been.
So, where did we go from this? Well, we all know the circle of life must continue. After pausing a bit to reflect and ponder on how great this woman must have been and what her day-to-day life was like, we continued sorting. The clothing will proudly join the new and gently used donated items earmarked at the Junior League Thrift Store for its special “Back on Track” program.
The CBE teamed up with the Junior League Thrift Store to provide the “Back on Track” program, which helps get women back into the workplace through outfitting them with appropriate workplace clothing.
In an effort to support this program, the Junior League is always in need of gently used and new professional women’s attire, shoes, accessories, etc. Professional clothing can be pants, shirts, skirts, suits, etc.
If you or your organization can assist us with this project and make a clothing donation, please contact me at loristone@cbe-fvc.org for more information.
If you are a CBE job-seeking customer, inquire about how you may qualify for this program at your local One-Stop Employment Center.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Would you be a Super Star employee?

But did you ever think that words like curiosity and imagination on your resume could catch an employer’s eye.
In his best seller, “The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don't Teach The New Survival Skills Our Children Need — And What We Can Do About It,” Tony Wagner says there are seven crucial skills employers should look for when hiring. Curiosity and imagination are No. 7.
Both jobseekers and employers have different ideas about the crucial skills needed in today’s job market. Some experts say managing and dealing with change is perhaps the most important talent anyone can have today. And that means you have to be able to think.
What’s No. 1 on the crucial skills list? Critical thinking and problem solving are the first skills employers should look for in a job candidate.
Do you have those skills?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Great Opportunity

Then post your personal video of Why Daytona? at The Great American Destination
Here’s your opportunity to tell the world that we have more than great beaches and easy access to the theme parks in Orlando. We also have
Top notch schools (Stetson, UCF, BCU, DSC, etc.)
34 state parks close by
7 museums in Volusia county, more close by
Theatre, both community and professional
Quality restaurants
Even if you didn’t participate in the Flash Mob event, you can still post a video about why you chose the Daytona area and all the great things the area has to offer.
If you’re not sure what to say, go to the site and watch some of the videos that others have posted.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Learn Online With No Cost Vouchers

As a jobseeker, do you have updated computer skills? Many employers are looking for proficiency in Microsoft® Office Excel, Word and PowerPoint or other programs. And those in the IT field need to be current in their areas of expertise.
The Center for Business Excellence/One Stop Employment System can help. No cost Microsoft® Digital Access vouchers for online computer training are available for eligible customers. The E-Learning Courses are designed to be taken at your own pace wherever you use a computer and have Internet access. Computers are not available at the One-Stop offices for these courses.
Vouchers also are available for certification exams to be taken at area testing sites. There will be an exam proctoring fee, determined by each testing center, which may be covered by CBE/One-Stop. Gas cards may be available for traveling to testing sites.
Vouchers are available for:
Microsoft® Office 2007 online courses: Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and Access
Microsoft® Office 2007 Certification Exams for Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and Access
Microsoft® IT Technical online courses for server products, operating systems etc.
Microsoft ® IT Professional Certification exams for technical courses
Are you eligible?
To participate, you must be able to answer yes to one of the following criteria:
• Be unemployed and/or laid off through no fault of your own
• Be underemployed
• Be receiving public assistance
You also must be proficient at using a computer.
If you feel you meet eligibility requirements, please send an email to digitalaccess@cbe-fvc.org indicating the type of voucher you would like and your telephone number. You will be contacted with further details. For more information, call (386) 323-0004.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Why we love Daytona – the great American destination

By: Lori Stone, APR, Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence
There are many reasons people end up living long-term in an area. Maybe, they were born and raised there. Perhaps, a job or schooling brought them there. Could be their car broke down during a journey and they decided to stay in the unfamiliar city.
As part of the recent Flash Mob efforts, we decided to ask area residents to share with the world why they love Daytona – and when we say Daytona, we mean the greater metro area to include Volusia and Flagler Counties.
I shared my thoughts on the subject through a video which can be viewed by following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrPRD4dSxmo
If you’d like to see and hear what others have to say or upload a video of your own, visit: http://thegreatamericandestination.com/
Once you are there, click on the click here link in the text to the right of the Flash Mob crowd photo and just below the official Flash Mob video. If you want to share your story, click on the share your story link and follow the directions.