By Suzy Kridner
Career Specialist
How often do we hear "You need to think outside the box?"
And what exactly does that mean?
When I was laid off after a fulfilling career as a newspaper editor, I was often told I need to reinvent myself and think outside the box. I was resistant to change as I loved my career.
But with the Internet stealing our newspaper readers, I didn't have a choice but to think outside the box. What to do? . . . What to do?
I hung out at the Daytona One-Stop trying to find myself -- and find a job. The dedicated staff there helped me with my resume and interviewing skills. I also was active in their Pro-Net, a professional networking group that made me realize others were in the same situation.
I was fortunate to land a temporary position there as an administrative assistant for the Center for Business Excellence, which operates the One-Stops. It was perfect, working on special projects and even writing an occasional blog.
And when that job was about to end, I was offered a position in the One-Stop Center as a career specialist. Now I am helping others who are in the same situation I was not so long ago.
The Daytona One-Stop, as well as our offices in Flagler and DeLand, offer many services to help us in our job searches. They can be found on our website,
And the state of Florida's phenomenal website,
http://www.employflorida.com/ lists hundreds of jobs in Volusia and Flagler counties, and throughout the state. Just register and you can build a resume, tailor a cover letter, and with the virtual recruiter even have jobs listings delivered to your email's inbox every day.
Sometimes a job may not be our ideal position but it often can lead to better things.
Read more in Mitch Ditkoff's blog on the "The Six Sides of the So-Called Box."