Training Coordinator
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Make More Money in 2013
by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC,
Training Coordinator
here for video.
Training Coordinator
Whether you
have a job or you’re looking for one that will pay you more money this short
video has some ideas you may want to consider to help you achieve that goal.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Procrastination isn’t cute

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence
What about the perpetual procrastinator who flies by the seat of his/her
pants, thrives on the adrenaline rush resulting from “saving the day” at the
last minute or, worse yet, avoids something long enough that someone else has
to pick up the slack?
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
5 Things You Should Be Doing If You’re Unemployed
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
If you’re applying for jobs you’re not qualified for, just
to meet the requirement for getting your Re-Employment Assistance, you’re wasting your time.
If you really want to find a job, make yourself more
hirable. At the One-Stop we encourage all of our unemployed clients to VOLUNTEER. Volunteering makes you a more
desirable hire. It shows employers you’re out there trying to make something
happen for yourself, rather than waiting for something to happen for you. People
like to hire people they know and like, volunteering puts you in a position to
get known and hopefully, like.
That’s just one of the five recommendations in the article
linked below.
Click here to read article.
job search,
reemployment assistance,
Monday, February 18, 2013
Dance with the one that “brung ya”…saluting our mentors

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations &
CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
I belong to a professional organization that gives out several annual awards. One has been informally dubbed the, “Dance with the one that Brung Ya,” award as the majority of recipients pay homage to those who made their careers possible.
I’ve been
fortunate to have several people in my corner over the years helping me stretch
and grow personally and professionally.
One, I
encountered early in my career at an economic education-based nonprofit organization
in Jacksonville. She was our president.
I have to be honest;
she scared the living daylights out of me for the first year or so. Then, one day, after watching me put my heart
and soul into my job, she decided to take me under her wing.
My mentor
taught me such valuable things as how to present to all levels of corporate
authority (mind you, this was way before PowerPoint). She taught me negotiating tactics and how to
be a professional business woman without appearing too rigid or getting by on
Thinking on
your feet was another skill she helped me with.
One time, we were hosting a big appreciation event after a successful
fundraiser where hundreds of guests were eagerly awaiting the drawing for a
Just as my
mentor was about to take the microphone to announce the winner, a staff member
came rushing up to her and told her the ticket collection basket was messed
I quickly
grabbed the microphone and had the band start playing, “Whoomp There it is.” As
hoped, the crowd went wild and rushed to the dance floor, giving us enough time
to sort out the issue. Believe it or
not, I got a promotion and pay raise shortly after that! But I digress.
Enough about
my mentor. I found this link to an article on other mentor
stories. Check it out, and then share
your story with us!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Treasure Hunt!
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
If you’re interested in learning more click here
to read an article from U.S. News and World Report.
Training Coordinator
The internet has an
abundance of sites with job listings, so why is it that you can’t find a job?
There is another
place to hunt for treasure, otherwise known as a job. Where you ask? It’s
commonly referred to as the hidden job market. Some experts claim that 80% of
the available jobs are in the hidden job market.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Find the good and praise it

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
Like many around the nation, I watched the inauguration a few weeks
ago. There were many eloquent
individuals; a poet, star-powered singers and the wife of a slain civil rights
leader, to name a few.
The takeaway I remember most was a mantra of sorts quoted by Senator
Lamar Alexander as he set the tone for Vice President Biden’s and President
Obama’s swearing in. Alexander quoted
the six simple words author Alex Haley, most notably known for “Roots: The Saga of an American Family,”
lived by. These words were, “Find the good and praise it.”
This philosophy can start with simple things. Like, the time when I came
home to find my husband had taken the thawed ground turkey meat and made a
pasta dish instead of leaving it for me to make the intended turkey burgers. The major upshot was he made dinner! Yes!
Or, maybe, some details on a work project are not managed by my staff
the way I would, but the end- result is still outstanding. Instead of possibly being annoyed, I should
celebrate the fact that I didn’t have to do everything! Get my point?
To me, find the good and praise it means, “Stop being overly critical
and holding others to unrealistic levels.
Check out their perspectives.”
Otherwise, we miss out on a lot of great things and, quite honestly,
build up unnecessary toxicity.
Now, you must decide what these words mean to you. To help on this journey, here’s an excellent video clip I discovered on
how to find the good in others.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Get Endorsed!
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
endorsements can be that extra element in your favor when it comes time for an
employer to decide on who to interview and who not to interview.
While Linked In
endorsement can help you they still don’t compare to a letter of recommendation.
Having said that it’s much easier to ask someone to go to Linked In and give
you an endorsement than it is to get them to write a letter of recommendation.
Read the article and
then get busy figuring out what skills you want to be known for.
Click here for article.
job search,
Linked In,
social media
Monday, February 4, 2013
Caught in a bad office romance…is it really a good Idea to go gaga over someone you work with?
By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
Office romance or, at the very least, flirting. Is it a good idea? Since Valentine’s Day is
around the corner, we might as well explore the subject.
I have a little insight and experience with this topic –
emphasis on a little. Very early in my
work history, I dated someone I worked with for a brief time. We were both single, so no worries,
No worries until the romance went sour. It was awkward and painful to work together
after that. So, I’m not a huge advocate
of office romance.
However, I am a realist.
It seems we spend more of our waking hours at work these days than
anywhere else. Plus, the advent of smartphones
and other technology keep us plugged in 24/7. It’s difficult to separate our personal lives
from our professional lives.
I found this link
with advice on the subject. In any case, I strongly advise people to fully
understand specific company policy on office relationships before moving
forward. Good luck!
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