Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nine Mistakes You’re Making On LinkedIn

Posted by:  Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
                  Training Coordinator

You’ve read the articles about completing your profile and joining groups. This article is a bit different. It’s about making the most of your networking activities with LinkedIn and explains nine mistakes you might be making in your use of LinkedIn. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with any network is to wait until you need it to build it.
Click here for article.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Buy ketchup in May?

By:  Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence

Buy ketchup in May?  What does that have to do with anything? Well, I recently researched the subject of the best time to do different things after an exhausting Friday afternoon meeting left m feeling punchy and unproductive.

You may recall I recently posted something on this subject.  I also found out on NPR’s website about an author, Mark, DiVincenzo, who wrote the book, Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon.”

By the way, I prefer Heinz Organic.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Your Job Search Toolbox

Posted by:  Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
                  Training Coordinator

Does your job search toolbox include Social Media? If not your need to read this article and find out why Social Media is becoming more and more important to your job search.
Click here for the article.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Discover the advantage of our Virtual Job Fair for the manufacturing sector.

March 18 – 25

Advantages for Job Seekers With

Manufacturing Industry Experience:

·       FREE attendance for job Seekers

·       Accessible 24/7 during fair dates

·       Résumés can be private or public

·       Multiple  résumés can be uploaded or created
and tailored to specific job openings

·       Access from any location; no dress code required

·       No gas expense!

·       Access to multiple employers with just a few clicks!

Hosted By:          

·       The Center for Business Excellence
·       CEO Business Alliance
·       Team Volusia
·       Volusia County Government
·       Volusia  Manufacturers Association

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

PROACTIVE vs. REACTIVE Which are you?

Posted by:  Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
                  Training Coordinator

Is your job search at the mercy of recruiters and job postings? Then perhaps you should consider changing your methods. For a detailed explanation of how to perform a proactive job search read this article. It has some really good information on ways to use LinkedIn as part of your proactive job search.

Click here for the article.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The best time for everything

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence

Last week, I was curious to find stats on workplace activity efficiency (i.e. the best time to hold a productive meeting). Instead, I found this Wall Street Journal article on the best time of day for humans to do various things.

The kicker is we most likely don’t have the luxury of planning our day around what’s best for us.  Nonetheless, it was very interesting and good stuff to know!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Posted by:  Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
                  Training Coordinator

Like it or not, technology is becoming more and more a vital piece of the job search process. A perfect example of this is a twesume. Do you know about Twesumes? If not, you should probably read the article about the ways technology is changing the job search process. You’ll learn about twesumes and a couple of other things.

Click here for the article.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shake off the bad plays and other good advice for 2013

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence

Last week, a good friend of mine was asking for information about one of the CBE’s past Business Summit keynote speakers.  She was referring to Mimi Donaldson, co-author of, “Bless your Stress.”  Catchy, eh?

Anyway, years have gone by and I had forgotten the specifics of Donaldson’s presentation.  I went to YouTube to refresh my memory and came across one of her newest video clips with a quick, to-the-point message I thought was pretty cool.

Granted, the video clip is a teaser in hopes of securing speaking bookings, but nonetheless, very good.  I hope you find her thoughts on how to make it in 2013 (click here) of interest.