Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Check, check and then triple check!

This morning I reviewed seven resumes and five of them had rather simple/grammatical errors in them. Make sure that you are carefully proofing your resume and then giving it to someone else to proof as well. So many times, your resume is an employers first impression of you!


  1. Quick question for you: In the case of those seven resumes, what did you do with the five that had minor mistakes? Do you automatically discard them, or do you use other factors/criteria to narrow your selection?

  2. Actually, I was reviewing those resumes for job seekers who requested a review through our website. I returned those resumes to the individuals with suggestions for making them better. I also include my contact information if they would like to meet with me in person.

    Now, I also review resumes for hiring purposes. If I receive resumes with errors they usually end up in my B stack as opposed to my A stack.

    With the services and assistance that we offer through our One-Stop centers, every job seeker can have a winning resume. Our services are easy to access and are available to EVERYONE at no cost.

    If you have concerns about your own resume please visit our website, and submit it for review. We will be happy to assist you.

  3. OK... so maybe I should practice what I preach! :) Who read my post, noticed the error that I made but was too polite to say anything?

    and always remember...

    Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
    Elsa Maxwell, September 28, 1958
