Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Time for a Reality Check?

Posted by:  Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
                  Training Coordinator

I was sitting at my desk thinking about what I should write about for the blog and it came to me, thinking would be a good topic.

I have a saying I strongly believe in that’s relevant to this issue. Our thoughts lead to our actions. Our actions create our reality, if you don’t like your reality change your thoughts.

Let me give you an example.

A young woman, we’ll call her Bess, presents a report to her boss. She thought the boss would be delighted with this report, especially since she got the report in before the deadline. The boss glances over the report and tells her she did a good job; however, he emailed her some data that needs to be added to the report. Bess heads back to her desk totally deflated. She’s decided that the boss hated her report and is probably looking for an excuse to fire her. Her thoughts are centered on the idea that she’s going to be fired. The thought that she’ll soon be fired begins to affect her work performance in a negative way and yes, eventually Bess’s poor work performance will lead to her being fired. In summary, her thoughts of being fired led her to not give her best effort and her lack of effort is what led to her being fired. It all started with her thinking she was going to get fired.

Our thoughts lead to our actions. Our actions create our reality, if you don’t like your reality change your thoughts.

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