Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Handle Those Last Days

Posted by:    Darlene Duncan, CWDP, JSS
                   Training Coordinator

There are still people out there being downsized, laid off, or whatever euphemism is being used this week to describe letting someone go because the company can’t financially afford to keep them any longer.

Should you find yourself in that position, here is something you might want to keep in mind.

Your current employer will very likely be called by potential future employers. So how you behave at work during those last weeks or days prior to your departure will have a huge impact on your future job search. You need to make sure you maintain a good attitude combined with continuing to do your job.

I’m not saying it’s easy. I am saying it’s important that you continue to do quality work and have a good attitude.

You might ask, “Isn’t it enough that I’m doing my job? I mean, after all they’re getting rid of me. Rejecting me.”

The answer is “NO!”

Let’s look at a possible scenario.

Jane Doe gets a notice of lay off. She will have a job for three more weeks. Jane gets angry. She starts coming in late and doing the bare minimum of work. For the next three weeks Jane does only what is required of her. She sulks and pouts like a spoiled child. Before the three weeks is over, the company gets a new contract and now has sufficient funds that they don’t have to eliminate Jane from the payroll.

Hmmmm. What do you think is going to happen? Will they keep Jane? Or will they still let her go? What would you do if you were the one in the position to decide?

Let’s revisit Jane.

Jane Doe gets a notice of lay off. She will have a job for three more weeks. Jane continues to do her job. She does her best to always have a good attitude and is eager to help her co-workers. Before the three weeks is over, the company gets a new contract and now has sufficient funds that they don’t have to eliminate Jane from the payroll.

Hmmmm. What do you think is going to happen? Will they keep Jane? Or will they still let her go? What would you do if you were the one in the position to decide?
There is very little in life we have control over, our attitude is the one thing we always have control over. You choose how you react to life’s obstacles. Quite often how we react will determine whether life’s everyday obstacles become mountains or remain speed bumps.

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