By Suzy Kridner
CBE Administrative Assistant
Margaret Brennan of Ormond-by-the-Sea recently graduated from the University of Central Florida with a degree in information system technology.
But to get a job in her field, she also needs Information Technology certifications such as an MCITP (Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional).
Using Digital Access Vouchers from the Center For Business Excellence (CBE) One-Stop Employment System, Brennan is able to take online IT courses at no cost. And she has a no-cost Digital Access voucher to take the MCITP certification exam in person at an area testing site when she finishes her courses.
Improving computer skills is one area that helps the unemployed in their job searches.
In addition to the Digital Access Voucher program, the CBE provides beginning and intermediate computer classes at its One-Stop Employment Centers in Daytona Beach, DeLand and Flagler/Palm Coast. Information and class schedules can be found at www.one-stops.com.
CBE, a non-profit agency, is the premier organization for employment and training solutions to businesses and workforce of Volusia and Flagler Counties.
The Digital Access Microsoft® online courses are designed to be taken at your own pace wherever you use a computer and have access to the Internet.
Microsoft Office and IT exams will need to be scheduled at one of the certified testing centers in the area. There will be an exam proctoring fee, determined by each testing center.
Digital Access vouchers are available for:
• Microsoft® Office 2007 Certification Exams for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Access.
• Microsoft® IT Technical online courses for server products, operating systems etc.
• Microsoft ® IT Professional Certification exams for technical courses.
No vouchers remain for Microsoft® Office 2007 online courses.
To find out if you meet eligibility requirements for Digital Access Vouchers, please send an e-mail to digitalaccess@cbe-fvc.org indicating the type of voucher you would like and your telephone number. You will be contacted with further information. For questions, call (386) 323-0004. The application deadline is June 15.