Click here to read some entrepreneur success stories.
Perhaps one of them will inspire you or you may realize that the risk involved in starting your own business is more than you’re comfortable with.
Center for Business Excellence
I guess I’m lucky. Winter doesn’t seem to bother me that much. There’s nothing I like better than to make a pot of homemade soup, turn on some great movies and get snuggly with my dogs, Rusty and Chase. Sounds like paradise!
Okay, okay...so I live in Florida. That doesn’t mean we are immune here to shortened daylight hours and a cold breeze every now and then.
In speaking with several people lately, I learned it’s the shortened days of sunshine that really get to them. Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) is a common issue. Symptoms may include:
· Increased appetite with weight gain –we’re not talking the holiday fare munching
· Increased sleep and daytime sleepiness
· Less energy and ability to concentrate in the afternoon
· Loss of interest in work or other activities
· Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement
· Social withdrawal
· Unhappiness and irritability
Here’s a link to an article on how to cope with the winter blahs:
Center for Business Excellence
In this season of holiday cheer and reflection, I searched for articles on how to be thankful – just little reminders.
There are many aspects of our lives to be thankful for, but I want to reflect for a moment on my place of employment. I am extremely thankful for a caring and compassionate team that strives daily to make the lives of our community members better as they get back to work and gear up business operations.
One particular aspect I am thankful for is the addition (through some natural turnover) of CBE One-Stop Employment System staff that was in the unemployed trenches themselves not so long ago. Not only are they extremely empathetic to what our job-seeking customers are going through, they bring a fresh perspective on how we can make our services better.
With limited resources outpaced by demand, this is a constant struggle – not everyone coming through our doors will end up with exactly what they hoped. We do want them to feel their interaction with us gave them additional tools in the toolbox and that someone out there genuinely cares about them.
On that note, I say, “Thank you,” to staff as well as the customers we are privileged to serve.
Check out this article on different ways to be thankful: http://shazzmojo.hubpages.com/hub/Thanksgiving-A-Time-To-Be-Thankful
Center for Business Excellence
I was searching for some blog material on another subject entirely and came across an article aimed at businesses on the economics of why they should hire the unemployed. I thought it might also be of great interest to those looking for a job. Check it out:
Center for Business Excellence
One thing is sure in this uncertain job market – job seekers need to set themselves apart from everyone else. But, how far should you go?
I once knew a woman who landed a marketing job at a five-star resort by sending a custom, multi-tasking woman made by the local chocolatier as a “thank-you” for the interview. Her tactic paid off as resort management perceived her as creative and offered her the job.
Even I tried my hand at this years ago, sending a “badge” cover letter to a girls’ organization. I did land an interview for the public relations coordinator position – didn’t get it, though.
Here’s a link to information on the pros and cons of thinking outside of the job-search box:
The Center for Business Excellence provides employment and training solutions to the businesses and workforce of Volusia and Flagler Counties.
What does that mean?
Example 1: Let’s say that the company you work for wants to train you how to use a new software suite; we help your employer offset the training costs. No strings attached: You tell us what training you need, we complete the paperwork, and you get your training money – end of story.
Example 2: Imagine that you woke up today thinking you want to become a Registered Nurse. You envision a bright future in this career, but getting the education for it seems a bit uphill; we help you get a scholarship. As long as the occupation for which you seek education is a local targeted occupation, we will do our best to get you your money.
CBE oversees the One-Stop Employment System in the two counties, with offices in Daytona Beach, Orange City and Palm Coast. In addition, the non-profit agency oversees 7 mini-career links.
We are pretty cool to hang around with. Come to see us!
The comments below each post do not necessarily represent the opinion of the CBE.