Training Coordinator
Does your email address hark back to the days of the Internet’s infancy? It does if you’re using AOL, Hotmail, or Yahoo.
Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with those email providers. They provide email service the same as many other providers.
However, when you’re job searching how employers perceive you is vital. Especially, if your career field requires you to be tech savvy, you need a more ‘modern’ email provider. While Gmail is good, if the position you’re after requires that you be really up-to-date and tech savvy, consider getting a domain name.
If money is tight there are ways you can do this for free, including the hosting of the site you create. For tech jobs, it’s important that employers view you as someone that stays on top of the latest trends in the world of technology. Me@myname.com can give that tech savvy appearance a boost.
Just remember that if you have a website, employers may decide to view it and therefore you should follow through by making sure your site is professional in appearance. It should have your résumé and other items relevant to your employability. If you’re in a career that lends itself to showing samples of your work, such as photography, then some of your best pictures should be available for viewing on your website. If you’re in a technical field and you write a blog answering technical questions for people then there should be a link to your blog.