Center for Business Excellence
Monday, April 29, 2013
Not sure where to turn? 2-1-1 may be the answer.
By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations &
CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
In recent years,
most of us have either experienced an unmet need or know a friend or family
member who has. Maybe, you are worried
about your grandmother on a fixed income getting enough food. Perhaps, a relative falling on hard times
needs shelter and your home is not a viable answer.
In any case, it’s hard to know where to begin to search
for potential solutions. This can also
include becoming more informed to follow up behind a loved one to ensure they
did their homework or aren’t harboring false hope for assistance that simply
isn’t available.
The 2-1-1 online resource is a good place to start.
A partnership between One Voice
for Volusia and The United Way of Volusia and Flagler Counties, this Web site
is your 24-hour source of information on over 1,000 local community services in
Volusia and Flagler Counties. Here’s the
link to the Web site:
If you can't find what you are
looking for by searching this directory, just pick up your phone and dial 2-1-1
at any time for assistance. If your telephone service provider does not connect
you when you dial '2-1-1', use (386)-253-0564.
Remember, just because a resource is listed
online, doesn’t mean every need can be met.
It’s critical to take the time as soon as possible to thoroughly
research leads in order to get a better handle on the saturation at hand. Putting this task off can lead to additional
stress and strain on the entire family. Good luck
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Make Your Résumé Interesting Not Boring
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
Does your résumé motivate
hiring managers to pick up the phone and call you for an interview? If your answer
is no, you need to read this article.
hiring manager,
job search,
Monday, April 22, 2013
Do you dare to be authentic? Life lessons learned from The Breakfast Club

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
They were five students with nothing in common,
faced with spending a Saturday detention together in their high school library.
At 7 a.m., they had nothing to say, but by 4 p.m., they had bared their souls
to each other and become good friends. To the outside world they were simply
the Jock, the Brain, the Criminal, the Princess and the Basket Case, but to
each other, they would always be the Breakfast Club.
You have to love a good John Hughes movie, and “The
Breakfast Club” captivated audiences while delivering a powerful message about
being authentic. Check out this
article about lessons learned from the movie.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
8 Ways Your Smartphone Can Help With Your Job Search
Training Coordinator
A co-worker of mine
sent me the link to this article on using your smartphone to land a job. All
this technology we have is wonderful only if we put it to work for us.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Does personal responsibility drive effective leadership?
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence
and personal responsibility. How do they
relate? Do they relate?
President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “If you
could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you
wouldn't sit for a month.”
to some information I found, personal responsibility has everything to do with
effective leadership. This goes for the
teams leaders manage as well.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Time for a Reality Check?
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training CoordinatorI was sitting at my desk thinking about what I should write about for the blog and it came to me, thinking would be a good topic.
I have a saying I
strongly believe in that’s relevant to this issue. Our thoughts lead to our
actions. Our actions create our reality, if you don’t like your reality change
your thoughts.
Let me give you an
A young woman, we’ll
call her Bess, presents a report to her boss. She thought the boss would be
delighted with this report, especially since she got the report in before the
deadline. The boss glances over the report and tells her she did a good job;
however, he emailed her some data that needs to be added to the report. Bess
heads back to her desk totally deflated. She’s decided that the boss hated her
report and is probably looking for an excuse to fire her. Her thoughts are
centered on the idea that she’s going to be fired. The thought that she’ll soon
be fired begins to affect her work performance in a negative way and yes,
eventually Bess’s poor work performance will lead to her being fired. In
summary, her thoughts of being fired led her to not give her best effort and
her lack of effort is what led to her being fired. It all started with her
thinking she was going to get fired.
Our thoughts lead to our actions. Our
actions create our reality, if you don’t like your reality change your
Monday, April 8, 2013
Are you over 40 and invisible? Tips to bring you to the forefront in your job search

By: Lori McMullin,
Director of
Business Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
Let’s face it, having the invisible touch may have worked
for Genesis, but it won’t get you very far in your job search at any age -- especially
over 40.
Here are some
tips to assist you in showing you still have the desired energy, charisma, drive
and knowhow to run circles around any other potential candidate:
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hate Networking?
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
So do you, hate networking? If so, this article will give
you some tips to make it less of a chore. One of the ideas put forth that I
like is to, relax and show interest in others by asking questions. To me that’s
a lot easier than trying to promote myself and showing a sincere interest in
others will get them interested in you.
Click here to read the article.
Monday, April 1, 2013
The skillful art of negotiating

By: Lori McMullin,
Director of Business
Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
Billionaire J Paul Getty once
said, “My father said: ''You must never try to make all the money that's in a
deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a
reputation for always making all the money, you won't have many deals.''
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