Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Job Searching In The Age Of Social Media

Posted by:    Darlene Duncan, CWDP, JSS
                   Training Coordinator

Not that long ago social media consisted of people getting in touch with old friends, staying in touch with family and joining clubs or groups of people that shared similar interests.

Today it’s all that and more.

There was a time when you didn’t have to worry about what you said on your Facebook page or the pictures that got posted of the wild party where you were wearing a lampshade and little else.

In today’s world things are different. Employers Google you and search out your Facebook page. If they don’t like what they see, then your résumé could end up in the trash can.

Does this mean you should deactivate your Facebook account? NO! That’s really not necessary. What is necessary is to adjust your privacy settings. Simply make sure that only certain people have access to your more personal information and posts on Facebook.

The reality of our world is that you need to have a Web Presence. That includes Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn and Twitter. Do you have to have all of them? Probably not.

For job searching the main one you really need is LinkedIn. You need to have a complete profile on LinkedIn. Why? Because more and more employers are using that tool to find their new hires. I recently read an article that stated 85% of employers found 69% of their most recent hires through LinkedIn.

Today, and in the future, I’m sure it will be even more important for job seekers to have computer skills.
You don’t have to like computers but you do need to learn to use them and the social media platforms associated with them.

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