Monday, February 14, 2011

Caught in a bad office romance…is it really a good idea to go gaga over someone you work with?

By: Lori Stone, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence

Office romance or, at the very least, flirting. Is it a good idea?

I have a little insight and experience with this topic – emphasis on a little. Very early in my work history, I dated someone I worked with for a brief time. We were both single, so no worries, right?

No worries until the romance went south. It was awkward and painful to work together after that. So, I’m not a huge advocate of office romance.

However, I am a realist. It seems we spend more of our waking hours at work these days than anywhere else. Plus, the advent of smartphones and other technology keep you plugged in 24/7. It’s difficult to separate your personal life from your professional life.

So, I found a link with advice on the subject. In any case, I strongly advise people to fully understand specific company policy on office relationships before moving forward. Check out this link and good luck!

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