Training Coordinator
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The ONE Question That Can Ruin Your Interview
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
If you’re job searching, sooner or later you’re going to
have to sit through some interviews. I recently read an article about the ONE
question that if answered improperly can destroy your chances at winning the
job. What is that question, you ask? And how do I answer it properly?
According to the article your best bet is to answer it
honestly, which of course shouldn’t really need to be said.
Preparation is a key element in acing an interview. My
recommendation to you is this, think about the questions you’ve been asked in
past interviews and come up with good answers. Get comfortable with the
questions and with your answers, including the ONE.
To read the article about The One Question That Can Ruin
Your Interview click here.
job search,
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Job Searching Stinks!
Job searching is never fun and when everywhere you turn you
hear doom and gloom about your chances for finding a job it becomes even more
of a downer. I’m not trying to deny that finding a job is difficult. What I am
telling you is that you must keep looking and you must maintain a positive
attitude and outlook. If you have limited your job search to looking in the
local papers and the online job boards, you’re missing a lot of opportunities.
Here are some alternative search methods:
Staffing Services
– Yes, I know you want a permanent full time job. Every temporary job I ever
had through a staffing service, ended up being offered to me as a permanent
full-time position. Some I accepted, others I didn’t accept. Even if the work
you get through a staffing service is part-time, it’s better than no time.
Click here to read the Five Misleading Myths About Getting A Job Through a Staffing Company.
Networking –
Yuck, that nasty buzz word. Granted, it’s an overused and often abused word.
The reality is that whatever you call it, it’s a vital part of any job search.
Learn to use today’s social media (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.) to
network. As with any tool be cautious how you handle it. Social media can help
you or hurt you, depending on how you use it. Don’t limit yourself to social
media. Go to networking group meetings and chamber functions. If you belong to
a group like the Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, or any other service group, make sure
your fellow members know who you are and what you can do. Don’t make a pest of
yourself, however let people know. Also, pay attention when someone you meet is
in the same boat you’re in, you may come across a job for which they would be a
perfect fit. Click here for a site
with multiple articles on Social Networking.
– The Great American Dream is to own your own business. Believe me, not
everyone is suited for running a business. When you start thinking about having
your own business you need to do some honest self assessment. For an article on
the top seven reasons small businesses fail go here.
Employ Florida
Virtual Recruiter – There really isn’t room here to explain the ins and
outs of setting up the virtual recruiter in Employ Florida. What does a virtual
recruiter do? Simple. It looks for jobs for you and then emails or texts you
about them. Now, that I have piqued your interest, you’re probably wondering
how you learn to set up your own virtual recruiter. You could go to and spend quite
some time trying to figure it out on your own or you could come to one of the
Volusia County One-Stops and attend the Take
Control of Your Job Search workshop.
If you have suggestions that might help some of your fellow
job seekers, please let us know.
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're
right. "
~ Mary Kay Ash
volusia jobs
Monday, July 22, 2013
What Job Search Methods Are You Using?
Posted by: Darlene
Duncan, CWDP, JSS
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
There was a time when job searching meant walking into a
business that you felt could use your services and asking to speak to the owner
or manager. After a brief conversation if the business felt they could use your
talents you shook hands and the next day you started a new job.
Those days are gone.
In today’s world there are many elements that go into an
effective job search. Here’s a short list of some of those elements.
Résumé – Make
sure your résumé is up to date, not only in the work history and education
areas but also in its formatting. Does the style résumé you’re using do an
effective job of selling you? Is it too long? Is it too short? Have you
tailored it to each job for which you’re applying?
Application – Think about all the information that you’ve been asked to
supply on an application. Now create a document that contains all that
information and make sure you have it with you when you go to fill out an
application. Don’t forget to take it with you when you go for an interview
because you may be asked to complete an application at that time. Having this
information with you in an organized fashion will make completing an
application much faster and easier.
Volunteering –
There are many reasons to include this in your job search arsenal. One reason
is that you can list it on your résumé and thereby show that you’re keeping
your social and work skills fresh. Let’s face it if you’re sitting at a
computer submitting résumés and job applications, you’re not using your work
skills or interacting with people. Volunteering also shows potential employers
you’re out there trying to make something happen instead of waiting for
something to come to you. It also provides you with opportunities to meet
people and expand your network of contacts.
Contacts and
Relationships – Your network is a key element in your job search and if
you’re not utilizing it you’re missing a lot of opportunities. It’s been said
that 80% of the available jobs are only going to be found by networking. Don’t
let the word ‘networking’ scare you. You do it every day whether you realize it
or not. Basically, it’s all about making contact with people and building
relationships with them. Think about it, if you were an employer would you be
more interested in hiring someone you knew only through their résumé or someone
referred to you through a friend? The obvious answer is that most people would
rather hire the one referred to them through a friend. It’s even better if you
meet that potential employer in a volunteer setting. People like to hire people
they know, like and trust. The first step in that equation is to get known.
Social Media –
Like them or not computers are here to stay and so is social media. I read an
article in a human resource magazine not too long ago that said 89% of
employers found 65% of their new hires through social media. Like any other
tool, social media must be used with caution. Learn how to use the different
varieties. Almost all the social media out there offers tutorials on how to
effectively use it.
The reality is that while the tools for performing an
effective job search have changed the basic concept is the same. Get known by
those in a position to hire and convince them that you’re someone they need on
their team.
Building relationships,
social media,
Monday, July 15, 2013
Do You Feel Lucky?
Posted by: Darlene
Duncan, CWDP, JSS
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
Even in today’s economy I know people that have left one
job, for whatever reason and walked right into another position. Some people
will say, “They’re just lucky, that’s all. It’s not that easy.”
However, I tend to subscribe to the philosophy behind the
quote from Lucius Annaeus Seneca regarding luck.
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
In other words, those people made their own luck.
Stop and think about your job search efforts and how other aspects
of your life may be having an impact on your job search efforts.
Do you have a personal relationship that’s interfering with
your job search? Is your significant other supportive? Or are they always
finding things for you to do, things that eat up your time leaving you little
or no time to effectively job search?
Maybe it’s not your significant other that’s finding other
things for you to do, perhaps you’re procrastinating. A friend calls and says
they’re having a problem with some minor repair that needs to be done at their
house. Being a good friend you say, “Oh I know how to do that. If you want I can
come by today and take care of that for you.” The next thing you know you’re
doing favors for all your friends instead of doing your job search.
Maybe there are other things going on in your personal life
that are keeping you from performing an effective job search.
If any of the above sounds familiar, I suggest you stop and
take an objective look at yourself. Cut through all the baloney and get to the
real reason or reasons that you’re not out their treating your job search like
a full time job. Figure out what they are and do whatever you can to eliminate
or at the very least limit their impact on your job search. Once you know the
cause of something it can often be easily fixed.
If you’re looking for more information on this topic you can
start with this article. Click here for the article.
For those you who
are treating your job search like a full time job and you’re still not having
success, it’s time for you to evaluate your job search methods. Job Search
Methods will be my next post. So stay tuned.
full time,
Monday, July 8, 2013
Your Mindset Is One Of Your Most Powerful Tools
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When
the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. Buddha
A positive mindset
is one of the most powerful tools you have available to you and it costs you
nothing. I have personal experience with the power of the mind. When I first
started working on changing my mindset from a negative to a positive, I looked
at this way; I didn’t have anything to lose.
If I employed a more
positive mindset and nothing changed in my life then I hadn’t really lost
anything beyond a little effort to try and keep my thoughts positive.
If on the other hand
if being more positive in the way I looked at things changed my life for the
better, I would gain a great deal.
It was a risk I was
willing to take and I’m very glad I did. Life on the positive side of the fence
is much better. What you believe about yourself is your reality. So if you
believe that you’re a capable, valuable individual then that’s what you are and
you will behave accordingly. Likewise, if you think of yourself as a failure incapable
of doing anything right, well, you’ll be that incompetent failure. We are what
we think we are.
So what did I do to
change my mindset to a more positive mode?
In the beginning, I
focused on how I talked to myself about myself. No longer was I allowed to call
myself names like, stupid and idiot. Whenever I caught myself saying those
things to myself, I stopped and instead reminded myself of all the things I was
good at and all my accomplishments. For example, when I needed to learn to use
Microsoft Excel there were very few books available. None of the schools
offered classes on just that software. If you wanted to learn anything computer
related you went to school for a degree in computers. So I got my hands on what
few books the library had to offer and taught myself to use Excel, mostly by
trial and error.
So step one is to
stop talking to yourself in a negative way.
Step two was to stop
watching the news. When I tell people this they tend to look at me as if I just
admitted I’m from another planet and then proved it by growing a second head.
But seriously, think about it, what’s on the news? Murder, rape, arson and
scandal are the basics. If a story is full of blood and misery it will be the
top story. It will also be repeated every ten minutes along with the traffic
and weather. Is there any wonder you’re agitated and angry before you ever
leave the house in the morning? Believe me, you’re still going to know what’s
going on in the world. Your friends and relatives will be more than happy to keep
you informed, whether you want to hear it or not. In addition, you’ll over hear
conversations in line at the grocery store and then there’s the television at
you favorite fast food place that’s tuned to the news. It’s not like you can
escape hearing the news. You just don’t have to wallow in it. Try it, you’ve
got nothing to lose except the agitation caused by constant exposure to all
that negativity.
The next thing I did
was begin to avoid those negative people in my life. You know the ones I mean.
The ones that will tell you if they ever managed to buy the winning LOTTO
ticket, they would lose it before they could collect. It’s virtually impossible
to lead a positive lifestyle if you are spending time with negative people.
While there are
other things you can do to have a more positive mindset those three steps
should get you well on your way.
STEP 1 – Talk nice
to yourself about yourself
STEP 2 – Stop
wallowing in the news
STEP 3 – Avoid those
people in your life who are negative
Change the way
you look at things, and the things you look at change.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Job Searching In The Age Of Social Media
Posted by: Darlene
Duncan, CWDP, JSS
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
Not that long ago social media consisted of people getting
in touch with old friends, staying in touch with family and joining clubs or
groups of people that shared similar interests.
Today it’s all that and more.
There was a time when you didn’t have to worry about what
you said on your Facebook page or the pictures that got posted of the wild
party where you were wearing a lampshade and little else.
In today’s world things are different. Employers Google you
and search out your Facebook page. If they don’t like what they see, then your
résumé could end up in the trash can.
Does this mean you should deactivate your Facebook account?
NO! That’s really not necessary. What is necessary is to adjust your privacy
settings. Simply make sure that only certain people have access to your more
personal information and posts on Facebook.
The reality of our world is that you need to have a Web
Presence. That includes Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn and Twitter. Do you have
to have all of them? Probably not.
For job searching the main one you really need is LinkedIn.
You need to have a complete profile on LinkedIn. Why? Because more and more
employers are using that tool to find their new hires. I recently read an
article that stated 85% of employers found 69% of their most recent hires
through LinkedIn.
Today, and in the future, I’m sure it will be even more
important for job seekers to have computer skills.
You don’t have to like computers but you do need to learn to use them
and the social media platforms associated with them.Monday, June 24, 2013
How To Find A Job With a Criminal Record
Posted by: Darlene
Duncan, CWDP, JSS
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
If you have a criminal background and need help with your
job search you can find that help at the Daytona One-Stop. These are the steps
you need to follow:
Attend the NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS workshop given
every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. (Check with the One-Stop for day and time as it is
subject to change.)
3. Sign
up at the front desk to schedule an appointment or via email at:
You can also find some resources in an article that was published in Careerealism.
Click here to read article.
Project Reconnect,
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Five Easy Ways To Mess Up Your Interview
Posted by: Darlene
Duncan, CWDP, JSS
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
Here are five of the most common mistakes interviewees make:
1. Arriving late – employers figure if you
can’t get to the interview on time you probably won’t get to work on time.
2. Failing to research the company –
virtually every interviewer is going to ask you, “Why do you want to work for
us?” You need a good answer. If you don’t know anything about the company,
coming up with a good answer is going to be very difficult.
3. Lying about your experience or education
– sooner or later the truth will come out and most likely lead to you being
4. Shaking hands too weakly or too firmly
– no one wants a limp fish and by the same token, no one wants their hand
crushed. In addition, clasping the other person’s hand with both of yours could
be considered a power play.
5. Wearing sunglasses – we live in
Florida, for cryin’ out loud, everyone wears sunglasses. Yes, however, as you
enter the building for your interview, take the sunglasses off and put them
away. That does not mean, put them on top of your head or around your neck. It
means put them away so they are out of sight.
For more great information on the dos and don’ts of
interviewing attend Interviewing Skills for the 21st Century offered
at your local Flagler-Volusia County One-Stop.
job search,
mess up,
One Stop,
right things to do,
wrong things to do
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
How to Handle Those Last Days
Posted by: Darlene Duncan,
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
There are
still people out there being downsized, laid off, or whatever euphemism is
being used this week to describe letting someone go because the company can’t
financially afford to keep them any longer.
Should you
find yourself in that position, here is something you might want to keep in
Your current
employer will very likely be called by potential future employers. So how you
behave at work during those last weeks or days prior to your departure will
have a huge impact on your future job search. You need to make sure you
maintain a good attitude combined with continuing to do your job.
I’m not
saying it’s easy. I am saying it’s important that you continue to do quality
work and have a good attitude.
You might
ask, “Isn’t it enough that I’m doing my job? I mean, after all they’re getting
rid of me. Rejecting me.”
The answer is
Let’s look at
a possible scenario.
Jane Doe gets
a notice of lay off. She will have a job for three more weeks. Jane gets angry.
She starts coming in late and doing the bare minimum of work. For the next
three weeks Jane does only what is required of her. She sulks and pouts like a
spoiled child. Before the three weeks is over, the company gets a new contract
and now has sufficient funds that they don’t have to eliminate Jane from the
Hmmmm. What
do you think is going to happen? Will they keep Jane? Or will they still let
her go? What would you do if you were the one in the position to decide?
Let’s revisit
Jane Doe gets
a notice of lay off. She will have a job for three more weeks. Jane continues
to do her job. She does her best to always have a good attitude and is eager to
help her co-workers. Before the three weeks is over, the company gets a new
contract and now has sufficient funds that they don’t have to eliminate Jane
from the payroll.
Hmmmm. What do
you think is going to happen? Will they keep Jane? Or will they still let her
go? What would you do if you were the one in the position to decide?
There is very little in life we have control
over, our attitude is the one thing we always have control over. You choose how
you react to life’s obstacles. Quite often how we react will determine whether
life’s everyday obstacles become mountains or remain speed bumps.Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Revisiting LinkedIn
It has been quite a while since I last did one of these posts on using LinkedIn. Since successfully using LinkedIn to land my current job, I've been busy doing what I hadn't done in nearly four years -- working!
Landing a job is great and for many of you it's your ultimate goal, but don't let your landing lull you into thinking that you no longer need LinkedIn. One thing the two years I spent in meetings at my ProNet group in Deland and Daytona with Donna Runge and Jamie Newcomb taught me was the importance of networking. Never underestimate the prospects that networking can offer you. I know, it was through my own networking on LinkedIn that I found my job.
Even after you have found your job and are working, the effectiveness and use that your LinkedIn Profile is still there to help you. Make sure that you continue to frequent and update your Profile. Times can change and new opportunities can present themselves to you so make the most of them.
Over the past two years, I have been routinely checking my Profile and making Status Updates. If you haven't been doing this on a regular basis you're missing out on one of the easiest ways to grow your reach through LinkedIn. You don't have to spend a lot of time with your Profile when you make a visit. Just check to see who has been viewing your Profile. They might be another prospect, or a link to that further contact you'd like to establish with another business. See if any of the Groups you are affiliated with have any discussion going on that you can relate too. Look for any Invites or Messages that you may have from connections or people seeking you out. These are ways for you to increase your range of connections and networking. Remember, all it takes is some activity, a change on your Profile, or a mere question or statement in a Group to increase your web presence.
If you're like me, keeping tabs on your LinkedIn Profile will also help your become up-to-date on changes in the function of LinkedIn itself. The look has changed and the toolbar may appear different to you. The LinkedIn Learning Center with its Resources is no longer there but some of those same Tutorials and Helps that you may need from time to time can be found by exploring the LinkedIn Help Center. Be sure and update yourself.
Keep up your maintenance on that LinkedIn Profile and make those connections.
Larry French works as a Science Editor for TSI Graphics and is a novelist and writer. He will soon publish his first novel, Time Will Tell, The Awakening which blends his love of history and science and is set during the American Civil War. Read about his work at, LARRYFRENCHHISTORICALNOVELIST.COM
Landing a job is great and for many of you it's your ultimate goal, but don't let your landing lull you into thinking that you no longer need LinkedIn. One thing the two years I spent in meetings at my ProNet group in Deland and Daytona with Donna Runge and Jamie Newcomb taught me was the importance of networking. Never underestimate the prospects that networking can offer you. I know, it was through my own networking on LinkedIn that I found my job.
Even after you have found your job and are working, the effectiveness and use that your LinkedIn Profile is still there to help you. Make sure that you continue to frequent and update your Profile. Times can change and new opportunities can present themselves to you so make the most of them.
Over the past two years, I have been routinely checking my Profile and making Status Updates. If you haven't been doing this on a regular basis you're missing out on one of the easiest ways to grow your reach through LinkedIn. You don't have to spend a lot of time with your Profile when you make a visit. Just check to see who has been viewing your Profile. They might be another prospect, or a link to that further contact you'd like to establish with another business. See if any of the Groups you are affiliated with have any discussion going on that you can relate too. Look for any Invites or Messages that you may have from connections or people seeking you out. These are ways for you to increase your range of connections and networking. Remember, all it takes is some activity, a change on your Profile, or a mere question or statement in a Group to increase your web presence.
If you're like me, keeping tabs on your LinkedIn Profile will also help your become up-to-date on changes in the function of LinkedIn itself. The look has changed and the toolbar may appear different to you. The LinkedIn Learning Center with its Resources is no longer there but some of those same Tutorials and Helps that you may need from time to time can be found by exploring the LinkedIn Help Center. Be sure and update yourself.
Keep up your maintenance on that LinkedIn Profile and make those connections.
Larry French works as a Science Editor for TSI Graphics and is a novelist and writer. He will soon publish his first novel, Time Will Tell, The Awakening which blends his love of history and science and is set during the American Civil War. Read about his work at, LARRYFRENCHHISTORICALNOVELIST.COM
Monday, June 10, 2013
Life’s what you make it

By: Lori Mcmullin,
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for
Business Excellence
“Life’s what you make it – celebrate it. Anticipate it –
yesterday’s faded.” If you don’t
recognize these lyrics, they come from a song by the 1980’s English band, Talk Talk. You should YouTube them – they are awesome!
Getting to the point of this blog posting, this Mantra of
sorts will be more relevant than ever as we finally see momentum in climbing
out of the recession.
Bad news and bad things happen to all of us – including the
good people. As humans, we are allowed
to wallow from time to time. It’s when
we continually hold ourselves back or, worse yet, burden or unnecessarily worry
friends, relatives and even complete strangers with our woes that it becomes a
major issue.
Many times, the latter actually serves to drive these people
away. It’s hard to remember when life is crashing all around us, but how we
respond to the situation at hand is really the more important testament to our
Here’s the cool thing. We have unique opportunities out
there to rise from the proverbial “ashes” and reinvent ourselves. It’s up to us to be open to the
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Time May Fly But Remember, You’re The Pilot
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
For more on this issue,
click here for an article.
Training Coordinator
We are all given the exact same number of hours in a day,
minutes in an hour and so on and so forth. It’s what we do with our time that
makes the difference. Organization is a key element in getting the most done in
the least amount of time. You have the same number of hours in a day that
Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci and Helen Keller had, now think about what
they accomplished.
Hours in a Week
7 x 24 = 168 hours in a week
168 – 40 hours for job searching = 128 hours
remaining in a week
128 – 56 hours for sleep = 72 hours remaining
in a week (3 full days)
72 – 24 hours for miscellaneous chores = 48
hours remaining in a week
48 hours remaining =
2 full days left to recharge
The bad
news is time
flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
Michael Altshuler
Michael Altshuler
Remember this: your lack of planning does not create an
emergency for anyone, other than yourself.
hours in a day,
job search,
organizational skills,
Monday, June 3, 2013
Tips for those who despise networking
By: Lori McMullin,
Director of Business
Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
years, the CBE has blogged about networking tips to help job seekers land
positions. I am a firm believer in
effective networking and was recently on the hunt for something new on the
you are looking for a job or needing to grow your company’s business,
networking is a key ingredient to success.
However, there are many of you that would rather have dental work done
than go to a business function.
those of you, who are uncomfortable or highly dislike this activity, check out these tips
to help you survive. It may not be as bad as you think!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Job Qualifications – Their Effect on Your Job Search
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
According to an article in the New York Times both sides of
the workforce are broken. The job seeker is applying for any job that’s
available and employers have unrealistic expectations.
There are those working to repair the problems and that too
is addressed in this article.
Many people have varying ideas about education and how it
relates to getting a job. This article is one opinion.
It’s definitely worth the time to read it.
Click here for the article.
job seeker,
New York Times,
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Do you know your Klout score?
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence
your Klout score? Do you know what a
Klout score is? The Klout score is a number between 1-100 that represents your digital
influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score.
it or not, many companies are including Klout scores into their hiring metrics.
You can find out your score by clicking this link.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Importance of a Web Presence
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
It wasn’t too long ago I attended a workshop on résumé writing
and the presenter made it abundantly clear that in the near future having a web
presence will be more and more important for job seekers.
job search,
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
What is the, “Hire Florida Grads,” Initiative?

By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations &
CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
what the photo is about? It’s me
graduating from the University of Florida 23 years ago this month. My grandmother, who didn’t have the luxury of
Instagram and the like, took the photo and later wrote on some poor guy’s
balding head, “Lori gets congrats from Bob Graham.” Too funny!
Most of
that day is a blur, but I do remember former Gov. and Sen. Bob Graham was our
commencement speaker. He quoted Jimmy
Buffet in his speech, telling us we will all have, “changes in latitude,
changes in attitude,” as we make our way into the work world.
I remember
thinking, “I sure hope I don’t have to change my latitude!,” as I wanted to
stay in Florida.
As I
prepared for job search, I desperately wished for more resources. Was my résumé good enough? Was I networking in the right places? I truly didn’t know.
getting ripped off nearly to the tune of $1,000 by a questionable placement
agency, I landed in a terrible first job experience. Wasn’t there any no-cost resource out there
that could enhance my chances of success? Why did I work so hard the past four years in
college for this?
Florida’s newest college graduates do have a wonderful resource for career
assistance through their local Workforce Development Boards and One-Stop
Employment Centers – of which the Center for Business Excellence is one of
do recent graduates find out about professional services in the part of Florida
they are interested in living in? It’s
If you are a recent graduate, click
this link to Hire Florida Grads to
connect with job search resources and hiring businesses.
Oh, and if you are a Flagler or Volusia County business
interested in hiring a Florida graduate, please visit
or call (386) 323-7079 to link up with a business services representative who
can help you make your next great hire.
If you are on Twitter, join the #HireFLGrads conversation
or follow the Center for Business Excellence @CBEOneStop.
You can also
check out the Center for Business Excellence on Facebook by clicking this link.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Can being genuinely “for” others help or hinder you at the top?
By: Lori McMullin, APR
Director of Business Operations &
CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
We’ve all
heard the adage, “Win at all costs.”
Does this really still hold true in the current world of business
Are you a
giver, taker or matcher? A young
professor at the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School of
Business can refute the adage and help you define what category you fall into.
Oh, and by the way, many large corporations are listening.
In his new
book, “Give and Take,” Professor Adam Grant makes a case that supports the idea
of serving in the best interest of others to prevail in this new economy. Check out his recent
interview on the Today Show to learn more.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
A friend of mine
recently told me how she came to have her current job. When you’re looking for
a job we here at the One-Stop are very likely to suggest that you volunteer
somewhere. A lot of people look at me like I’ve just grown a second head when I
tell them they should volunteer. They tell me, “I’m not giving my time away for
nothing. If I’m going to work I’m going to get paid for it.”
That attitude won’t
help you find a job. However, volunteering your time may very well help you
find that next position.
Here’s the condensed
version of how it worked for my friend, who I’m going to call Kay. Kay was
working part-time but wanted a full time office job. Her part time job was in a
coffee shop. She started volunteering at a hospice facility working with the
patients. However, some things in her life happened and she felt she was too
emotional to continue working with the patients. She asked her supervisor if
they could use her in some other capacity. Since she was a good worker and they
didn’t want to lose her they granted her request and moved her into a volunteer
office position. When a paid office position opened up she was offered the
Did her volunteer
work get her the job she wanted overnight? No, it took her nine months to go
from volunteer to paid position. But it was the
reason she got the job she has today. She invested her time and it paid off for
So once again I’m
suggesting that if you’re unemployed find somewhere to volunteer.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Posted by: Darlene Duncan CWDP, JSS, CCC, JCTC, JCDC
Training Coordinator
According to a recent survey the millennial generation
graduating college this year isn’t having good luck getting hired. It seems
that one of their biggest challenges is passing the interview. Read the
article to find out what you need to do to get a passing grade in the
Click here to read the article.
cell phone,
job search,
Monday, May 6, 2013
How to ask for what you want
By: Lori McMullin,
Director of
Business Operations & CommunicationsCenter for Business Excellence
I’m coming up on my wedding anniversary next month and
found this older blog post:
It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post. My husband and I recently took our delayed
honeymoon and my great blogging teammates pitched in to cover my spot. Thanks, guys!
Typically, my blog material comes from some type or
real-life inspiration I’ve encountered during the previous week or so. Today’s post is no exception. See the accompanying photo? That’s me atop Upper Yosemite Falls about
ready to keel.
My very active and fit husband had his heart set on
hiking this particular trail and I thought I could handle it pretty well based
on the fact I spin three to four times a week.
After hours of slipping, sliding and falling (and
encountering a rattlesnake), I really couldn’t wait to get back on the ground,
hopefully, in one piece. By the way, you
apparently really do need to invest in hiking shoes! Oh, well!
Although I’m glad I persevered for nearly seven hours to
the top and down, it wasn’t until we got back I realized I should have spoken
my mind about what I’d like to do on our trip as well.
A romantic dinner by candlelight or nature stroll
hand-in-hand would have pleased me to no end.
Even sitting for a bit in the night air and enjoying the silence and
tranquility would have been more my speed to help unwind and relax.
We expect our fellow human beings to be intuitive, but
that’s not always going to happen.
Sometimes, we must ask for what we want or say what we think.
This is especially true in the workplace. I found this link about how
to ask for what you want at work. Check
it out.
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