Friday, January 11, 2013

How to avoid taking your stress or bad mood out on others

By: Lori Mcmullin, APR
Director of Business Operations & Communications
Center for Business Excellence


“I try to discover…a little something to make me sweeter.”  Here I go again with an 80’s reference, but these lyrics come from Erasure’s hit, “A Little Respect,” and isn’t that what all human beings want?

Perhaps, but, there’s the rub -- we are only human.  So, how do we find a balance?

A couple of years ago, one of my staff members called me on my behavior toward him one particular day.  I wasn’t feeling well and he took our interaction as me being annoyed with him.  It was a very eye-opening moment for me. 

From that day on, I have made a concerted effort to keep my mood, physical feeling, etc., in check.  If it isn’t completely possible, I let my management team know on that rare day it isn’t them – it’s me.  I would be truly mortified if staff or anyone else was walking on eggshells around me because they thought I was displeased with them without good cause.

This type of restraint was really put to the test recently when I suffered a miscarriage.  I’ll bet there are staff, friends and family who had absolutely no idea this happened until now. 

Yes, I was suffering physically and emotionally, but I tried my hardest to manage to it. People expect leadership from me and true leadership shines through during dire times.

It was especially hard when I was around my Junior League friends where it seems we are having a baby boom lately.  Honestly, I died a bit inside with each birth/pregnancy announcement.  However, I was and continue to be truly happy for these beautiful women.

Okay, I’m not perfect.  There was that guy at the supermarket who shoved me out of the way to get to the vine-ripened tomatoes I was inspecting (but he had it coming)!

Anyway, I found a helpful link with tips on how to handle yourself when your day isn’t going so well.  Hope it helps:

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