Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Job Loss Stages of Grief

Posted by: Darlene Duncan, CWDP, JSS, CCC
Training Coordinator

Losing your job, while not as devastating as losing a loved one, comes with its own brand of grief and you go through a similar grieving process. There are five basic stages of grief in this process. Not everyone will go through all five and you may not experience them in the same order as someone else.

Denial – You simply cannot believe that they’re letting you go and you continue to behave as if the direct deposit is going to continue the same as it has since you started with your employer.

Anger – You realize they’re really cutting you loose. In your mind you start to go over all the magnificent things you have done for this company and now they are kicking you to the curb like last week’s trash. How dare they? This is one stage that you need to work through as quickly as possible. Anger is not what you want to demonstrate during your job search. Believe me that anger will come through loud and clear during interviews.

Bargaining – Not everyone experiences this stage. This is where you try to make any kind of deal you can to hang on to your job, even in a part time status. Even if you manage to stay with your employer, it’s not likely to be a pleasant situation. You’re going to harbor some serious resentment. Better to make a clean break.

Depression – This is where you begin to think that you’re never going to find another job. The reality is that you will find another job. It may take a while but you will get through this. I’m not saying it’ll be easy. I am saying that you’ll come out the other side of the situation. You will find a job.

Acceptance – You’re ready to move on. You’ve realized that the job is gone and you will adapt to the change. Not only will you survive this setback, you will thrive and succeed. After all is said and done, you may decide that leaving that previous job was the best thing that has happened to you in a long time.

Some will go through all of the five stages, others will only experience a few of them, regardless, as some point you will accept that that chapter of your life is over and you will move on to your next job. Change is the one thing is life that is constant. You must either learn to ride the wave of change of it will drown you.

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