Friday, April 22, 2011

Who's Smarter? You or Your Phone

This seems to be etiquette week.

Thursday’s blog was about having good manners.
Today it’s about smartphones and how they are taking over the world, or at least taking over conversation among friends and family.

My grandchildren are occasionally caught sitting demurely at the dinner table with heads bowed. Are they practicing "children should be seen and not heard" -- NOT. They’re texting or watching videos or looking at the latest photos sent by their friends on their smartphones.

Those with the latest gadget can’t wait to be asked to find a restaurant location, an NBA playoff score during a game or the calories in dinner tonight. Then there’s tweeting and catching up with Facebook.

Technology is wonderful and has made the world a much smaller place. However, smartphones can derail a job interview, a sales call or a meeting with the boss.

Here are 10 smartphone blunders to avoid. 

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