Thursday, July 8, 2010

On Line Information

I often tell the young adults that I work with that you must beware what you read on the Internet. Although information is only a few key strokes away, what you get may be wrong.

I remember when writing my research papers in high school that we had to use the library - and OMG the card catalog - to research the information needed for school papers. This of course would be something I am sure kids today can't reference to unless of course they have seen The Breakfast Club. You might remember the scene where Judd Nelson is sitting on top of what looks like a filing cabinet - THAT is the card catalog and he is pulling out cards and shoving them back in the wrong place. This would have reeked havoc on anyone back then actually trying to get information for a research paper.

Today you can just sit down at your laptop (or phone) and it is right there at your finger tips. But BEWARE not everything you read is accurate. After you read information it is important to look to see who is writing it and where did they get their information from. Just like in any situation where you are using the Internet there is no guarantee that the person at the other end is who they say they are or that they know what they are talking about. Case in point is a fabulously funny story that made me laugh out loud and then think. Even those you follow on twitter don't necessarily know what they are talking about. I hope you find it funny, and remember when you are driving down the informational highway that the billboard signs might sound factual but who really put up them up? Dig a little deeper and make sure that you know what you are getting is factual.

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