Friday, May 20, 2011

Staying on task not so easy

By Suzy Kridner
CBE Administrative Assistant
We all have problems with procrastination. Whether at home or work or on the job hunt, it’s easy to get distracted. Keep on task, as my granddaughter says.
According to one blogger, “He has half the deed done who has made a beginning.” -- Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
If the job seems too big, like working on a big report or cleaning the closet, set deadlines and break the task into smaller segments.
The next time you face a “job” that appears overwhelming or unpleasant, beat the temptation to postpone action by committing to work on the job for just 10 minutes, according to blogger Nagesh Belludi.
He suggests following four simple steps. To find the steps, and other tips, read his article.

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